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Brand: Lucky Turtle

1:1 Disposable Vape | 500mg

High CBD

Smooth full hit, great taste, and no leaks! 500mg disposable vape cut only with terpenes extracted by Lucky Turtle in-house from every strain processed. Because they're extracted under cool temperatures within the first 30 minutes of extraction, these highly volatile compounds remain in their most unadulterated state. They aren’t clear and aren’t supposed to be clear, and they smell and taste AMAZING. You won’t find a better value on the market today!


CalmClear MindHappyRelaxed

About the brand :
Lucky Turtle

Lucky Turtle has over 30 years of leading-edge biotechnology GMP experience and tirelessly use our background in biochemical science, product development, and high-tech engineering that meets a passion for sharing the recreational and therapeutic qualities of cannabis. With their dialed-in methods, Lucky Turtle is committed to staying on top of the latest research and continually perfecting their extraction process to give unadulterated terpenes and cannabinoids.

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