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Brand: Chronic Creations

Chronic Creations - Live Batter - Han Solo Burger


The flavor follows the same profile, with a sweet yet spicy pine overtone that's accented by rich fresh earth. The Han Solo Burger settles in soon after your final toke, starting first in the head before spreading throughout the rest of the body in calming, warming waves. You'll feel totally at ease in this state, fading in and out of focus as an expansive sense of tranquility settles into your very bones. Concentrated cannabis products come in a wide variety of consistencies, compositions, and potencies. Cannabinoids are isolated and removed from plant material via extraction, agitation, compression, or other methods to create generally a very potent product. Concentrates have an immediate activation time and are generally used by experienced consumers.


CalmHappyRelaxedEnergeticClear MindUplifted

About the brand :
Chronic Creations

Chronic Creations produces the cleanest, terpene-forward cannabis concentrates in Colorado. They are connoisseurs focused on quality and craftsmanship. The source material for all products are grown in house, from extraction to finished product, their highly skilled lab staff takes every step to give you the very best cannabis concentrate.

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