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Brand: Escape Artists

Escape Artists - Relief Cream - Unscented - 20:1 CBD:THC - 800mg


Cannabis balms are a great way to ease muscle and joint pain in specific areas. While not intended to have psychoactive effects, balms can range widely in potency and efficacy and should be applied incrementally. Warming the application area slightly beforehand will aid absorption.

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CBD (Cannabidiol) 796.45
CBD (Cannabidiol)-796.45 CBD is the second most prevalent cannabinoid and is primarily produced by hemp plants and at lower amounts in cannabis. It works as a phytocannabinoid, or binding agent, that adheres to an individual's endocannabinoid system. Cannabidiol has soared in popularity due to its lack of psychoactive effects. Most users seek CBD for its medicinal properties since it was the first cannabinoid to be approved by the FDA. Its healing properties include an ability to help you relax, reduce irritability and ease restlessness.
THC-D9 (Delta 9–tetrahydrocannabinol) 42.35
THC-D9 (Delta 9–tetrahydrocannabinol)-42.35 Delta 9 THC is the primary compound found in the resinous glands of a cannabis plant, and is directly responsible for psychoactive effects. It mirrors the body’s naturally occurring cannabinoids and attaches to these receptors to alter and enhance sensory perception. THC can create a feeling of euphoria by enhancing dopamine levels in the brain. The amount of THC in a cannabis product can vary widely based on the method of consumption and the strain at the source of that product. The high that is produced is often enhanced by the “entourage effect” which is a combination of multiple cannabinoids in conjunction with various terpenes and individual body chemistry.

About the brand :
Escape Artists

Escape Artists is here to help you smooth out the rough edges and provide the opportunity to show up for yourself. We craft science-backed cannabis products designed for busy people who want to intentionally incorporate cannabis into their routine. Our water-soluble topicals are designed with proven pharmaceutical technologies to create a path to presence. With direct, precise delivery and predictable onset, you can confidently use our products. We’re not just scientists and cannabis experts, we’re also family members, friends, and community members. Whether you’re recovering from a tough run, planning a picnic in the park with friends, or reading a bedtime story to the kids, it’s our goal to create products that pair perfectly with everyday moments. For more information, visit

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