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Brand: Quiq

Quiq - THC Tincture


A tincture is a mixture of an herbal extract and a liquid (usually alcohol or MCT oil) that is administered orally or sublingually via a dropper. Tinctures are generally high in potency and are intended to give consumers a sugar-free, gluten-free, inhalation-free cannabis experience.



About the brand :

Witnessing the cannabis plant’s miraculous benefit to his grandmother’s end of life care, Bob Eschino was compelled to make infused products safe and accessible to patients in need. In 2010, he and Rick Scarpello established Medically Correct LLC; and later, the two partnered with Derek Cumings and Josh Fink, strengthening expertise in cannabis extraction and culinary techniques. The company has become one of the country’s top-performing cannabis businesses with the national incredibles brand, a line known for award-winning, novelty chocolate bars.

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